Student prepares to record her voice over

Should I do it? Of course!

So you’re thinking about doing some training with your voice and you’re not sure where to start.

Recording a voice over with the Introduction to Voice Over CourseWell our first Intro to Voice over class with students from all walks of life was a real success, the feedback we got was that everyone walked away feeling like they had new skills, more control over their voice and new ideas about what their voice could do and what they could do with it!

Here’s the latest feedback from one of the students…

“Andy & Cecelia, thank you for your effort and inspiration at the May V.O Course.  The 2 Days were full of learning, fun, stimulation, discovery, encouragement & more.  I enjoyed every minute!”
– June.

So come and join Andy and I for the next Voice Over Course on July 7 & 8.

You know what? For about 20 years I have thought about taking a course in a breathing method that could really help my voice work and my health, but I have I done it yet? No!!! I haven’t, and whenever I think of it I regret that, because I think that learning new things always opens new doors. (it’s on my to do list this year believe me!)

So if you’re interested in Voice over, want more confidence in using your voice, if you have to record things for work, want to make a podcast or get some practice in a professional the studio the Introduction to Voice over course will be a weekend well spent!

See you there.
