Setting up a ‘home studio’ is full of challenges, especially if you’re looking to use that space to create voice over recordings that are suitable for professional projects.
You’ll find some general advice on this topic in the website Blog, however if you’d like us to help you fine-tune your recording sound through feedback and practical advice, you can now book a consultation with Andy Wells.
Andy has worked as a sound engineer longer then he’s been a Voice Over Artist, and as he’s involved in casting for projects from self-recording voice over talent daily, has a good ear for what sounds great…and what could be better.
Home Studio Score Card

You feel that you’re ready to start making professional voice over recordings from your own studio, but can you produce recordings that are of a professional standard?
With over 30 years working as a sound engineer, Andy Wells will assess a raw voice over recording from your studio*, giving you a score in four key areas;
Ambient Sound – Background noises or other ambient sounds
Microphone Quality – Type of Microphone you’re using plus the clarity and tone achieved
Recording Level – Appropriate raw recording level
Room Reflection – Audible reflections of your voice bouncing off hard surfaces
Your score card will also include comments containing information to help you improve in each area as needed.
After you place your order we’ll be in contact to start the process.
*A test script for your raw recording will be supplied.
Note that this assessment does not guarantee that you will gain paid work as a voice over artist or that your recordings will be accepted by all studios as technical standards may vary.